Trijicon SRO Problems, Things To Be Aware Of!

The Trijicon SRO is an incredibly light and compact sight made for handguns. While the sight is quite good and doesn’t require an expert to install it or tune it in, it’s not a sight that is without flaws.

There are some Trijicon SRO problems that you need to be wary of before buying. While some of them might not be that crucial for you, some might even be deal breakers. Without further ado, let’s find out what the problems are.

Trijicon SRO Problems

Mounting issues

The main problem with the SRO is the mounting. While Trijicon made sure that it didn’t take much effort to mount it, they didn’t make sure the tolerance was simple for a newbie.

What I mean is, that the tolerance of the holes is too tight and you can easily over-tighten them and strip them. Which is a bad thing and you know it. Fortunately, the fix is quite simple. You will need to push the screw in further and then tighten it. This should prevent the screw from stripping and you should have a well-tightened sight on your gun. Or you can take the easy way out. Buy a third-party mounting system with correct tolerance.

The Condition That It Comes In

The condition that comes in might look like the SRO is used. That’s not a common issue. We have heard from buyers who found their SRO in a banged-up condition right out of the box.

And when that happens, the service you are buying from should offer a complete replacement. This happens when some messed up people use the optic, break it, and send it back to the company they bought it from. Unfortunately, some of those broken ones ship from those resellers and there is nothing you can do about it. Fortunately, they offer full replacement or refund almost always.

Can’t Zero

While this is not a common issue either, I have seen shooters complain that they can’t zero their sight. Zero-related problems get solved 99% of the time if you fix the mounting system.

If your mounting system is fixed and you know it, then try out different windage and elevation settings. Make sure to mark down the setting where you started. If changing it multiple times doesn’t fix the problem for you, then there is a solid chance that you have a broken sight. You might want to send it in for warranty.


Sight overhang is a design flaw. There is no way of sugarcoating the fact that SRO suffers from overhang. The SRO is nearly 1cm longer than the RMR. The RMR is compact and it doesn’t suffer from overhang where your ejected shell might hit the body. But with the SRO, there is a chance that the shell might hit the body and damage the sight.

Unfortunately, there is no way of fixing it. The only way you can fix it is to use it with a gun whose ejection shell doesn’t move as much back. This way, you can prevent your sight from getting hit. Otherwise, you might want to look into a smaller sight.

The Warranty

No, I’m not saying that the warranty is a problem or that Trijicon provides a bad warranty. I’m here to warn you that if you break the sight from fall damage, abuse or it just gives up from years of use, Trijicon will not cover that under the warranty.

Regular wear and tear is not part of their warranty policy either. Granted Trijicon is an American brand and they offer a really good replacement lifetime warranty. But they are here to do business. If they start providing warranty for sights that are damaged willingly, they would go bankrupt in days.

So, make sure that you don’t beat your sight and let it suffer. If you break your sight, then you are out of luck and grace.

Should I Still Buy The Trijicon SRO?

Short answer, Yes. Long answer? Also yes. The SRO is a really good sight that doesn’t suffer from common issues like battery dying in weeks. It has a durable body that will last with any pistols that you might throw at it. Granted it has a huge design flaw but that can be mitigated with the right gun.

In this scenario, you will need to make sure the gun you are using is the right one to pair with the SRO. Not the other way around. That’s the main deal breaker for many and I won’t blame you if it was one for you as well.


The sight is incredible and it performs equally well to prove it. But like all the sights in the market, this one is not flawless and has some issues. Most of those issues, however, are solvable. They are not massive and they shouldn’t bother you that much daily.

Some of the issues are concerning and they might prevent you from buying this optic. If the design flaw doesn’t stop you from buying it, you will enjoy it to the fullest.

Thanks for reading as always but this is where we part ways today. Don’t worry, I will be back with more problems shortly. Jokes aside, take care and have fun.

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